
Lolita Blog Carnival - How would you re-do your wardrobe ?

Looking at my wardrobe today, I certainly came from far if I think back of my beginnings, and I am confident in my current collection, more and more reflecting my true style and inspiration. I often thought about dresses that went away during my collecting years, or the ones I saw slip away when I couldn't afford it. But I am overall satisfied of what I own today, and I am better aware of the direction I want to take concerning my closet now. This week's topic on Lolita Blog Carnival, was asking the question "How would you re-do your lolita wardrobe ?"

After being in lolita for a bit more than one year making my own clothes or buying from charity shops in my city when I first started, 10 years ago, I started slowly growing a wardrobe of some brand items. I was kind of an ecclectic lolita back in the days, wearing some sweet, some old-school and some gothic lolita as well, mixed with some handmade dresses, offbrand accessories and bags, and generally liking the fashion as a whole. 

Then I started gradually switching to more of a gothic lolita look, as I came from gothic fashion originally, and it suited my personality and individuality more. 

My current wardrobe is the result of years of trial and error, buying, trying, selling and exchanging dresses to finally find a spot where I am now comfortable looking at the pieces I have accumulated along the way. 

So, if I am quite satisfied with how my wardrobe turned out to be today, how would I re-do it ? 

I think re-doing a wardrobe sounds like starting from the beginning, and I think it's not how it should be. Of course, I could have made some better decisions along the way, and that's what I want to talk about. 

(That's actually me ! From 2007 !)

The first thing that I have never done, is focusing on getting small pieces and accessories to have a good use of my main pieces and outfits. Starting as a student who worked part time, I could wear lolita out at school, which was great, but I constantly kept buying dresses to grow my wardrobe instead of getting practical items. I was also tending to buy new main pieces for meet ups and going out. 

But at the same time, since I was mainly wearing colors that could coordinate with black, I had a few blouses (off brand, black) that I was wearing in rotation with the laundry (haha) along with plain knee socks. I must admit, looking back, I really didn't have the best style, but I see that during all these years, my focus has always been on main pieces and not accessories, which is something I would re-do. 

I also since my beginning, switched from buying from different brands like Metamorphose, making items, Angelic Pretty (I did once ! ahaha) to buying absolutely exclusively from Moi-même-moitié, which didn't make the task of buying what some lolitas call "fillers", since even their jewelry can cost 50$ and up to even 150$ for some headdresses ! I got some items through the years, of course, but I wish I wasn't so stuck on Moitie and that I could have focused on making the most out of one dress with different fillers and accessories. I think that's the thing I wish I would have done all the way from the start, but the way I came to be now and to get the wardrobe I have today, I wouldn't re-do. You make mistakes, bad choices, change your mind, and that's part of the deal. 

Would you re-do your wardrobe ? Change little things or switch around 180° ? 

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